ASB is excited to announce that a brand new program will begin this April at High Desert Middle School in Bend. The program, entitled “ASB G.I.F.T”, is designed and led by OSU Cascades student Jamie Ruiz, a psychology major who is also pursuing a minor in Human Development and Family Sciences. Jamie chose the name to describe the weekly baking and empowerment classes led by college and high school mentors. The acronym G.I.F.T. alludes to the experiences attendees will have as they prepare baked goods to be gifted to local charities… Growing, Inspiring, Forming Friendships, Team Building.
The program begins April 22 and runs through May 27th. It meets in the Foods classroom from 2-5 pm each week. Students are expected to check in to the Foods classroom just after school is dismissed. They will be accompanied by high school, college and adult mentors and will have the fun of baking all kinds of amazing treats.
Enrollment is limited to 12 middle school girls accepted on a first-come, first served basis. Because the class size is so small and FREE – we ask that enrollees plan to attend each and every week (unless they are ill). We anticipate providing an exemplary mentor-ship experience representative of the reputation that ASB has achieved over the past 17 years. Middle school girls (Buddies) will not want to miss this opportunity to learn new kitchen skills and spend time with new friends/mentors while being able to give to others.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the program.
To enroll your daughter – CLICK HERE. Enrollments will close as soon as 12 students have been accepted.
To add your child to the wait list – email Char at