Fun, High School Club, Opportunities

New! After School Buddies High School Clubs Launch This Week!

September 30, 2017

Hey High School ladies attending either Summit or MVHS high schools. Be among the first to join the new on-campus clubs for ASB at your school.

  • Connect with other teen women who want to make positive change in the lives of 4th/5th grade girls

  • Get to know girls at your own school who share similar interests as you

  • Learn to lead while helping each other step up and step out to help younger girls

  • Have fun while planning fun after school activities for your “adopted” school.

Don’t have time to serve with ASB after school?  You can still participate in the lunchtime clubs! Come and find out more!

Mondays Summit High – Room A 103  Club ASB SUMMIT 2017 18

TuesdaysMVHS – Room D8 Club ASB MVHS 2017_18


Memories of 2017 Fabulous Fiesta Camp

September 11, 2017

August 7-11 found the Hamby Road  ASB camp filled with delightful young “ninas” and their wonderful mentors.  This year more than 85 people were involved in making the summer camp experience another one to remember.   Leadership teams chose 4 Mexican cities from 4 different regions to celebrate – Loreto, Oaxaca, Isla Mujeres and Chihuahua. The overarching theme for the camp was “Celebrating Change” – recognizing that all campers were about to experience some kind of change in the coming year.. from changes in schools, classrooms, teachers to changes in family structure, health, finances, friends, homes and more.

The Loreto group kicked off the week celebrating changes and growth in friendship by focusing on the thought from Ecclesiastes “For everything there is a season.”  The entire camp loved their rendition of “Let’s Make a Deal” called “Let’s Make a Friend” during the lesson “Discovery Time” and later enjoyed the annual tradition of personalizing their camp t-shirts. 

Tuesday’s events were led by the Oaxaca team. Dawning their red attire, the led the day focused on respect by contemplating the quote from Maya Angelou “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.”  (After September’s earthquake off of the coast of Mexico – I hope that this is true for the victims of this tragedy.)Wednesday’s group leaders were from Ilsa Mujeres – near Cancun.  This group, adorned by the bluecolor of the azure seas, celebrated change by adopting a positive attitude.  Their quote for the day was by Haruki Murakami – “When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” 

Thursday was brought to us by the team from Chihuahua. The darling team of “sunny senioritas” shared two themes with us related to dealing with/celebrating change:  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Luke 6  and “Hospitality is not about inviting people into your perfect home, it’s all about inviting them into your imperfect heart.”  Edie Wadsworth 


The music was inspiring and fun (especially thanks to JoAnna) and we even learned a couple of Spanish songs too!

The food was amazing thanks to our terrific food team.  We are so grateful to the local stores who donated an assortment of goodies for us: Market of Choice, Trader Joe’s, Costco, Cash ‘N Carry, Abertsons, Safeway, Tortillaria Reyes. Muchas gracias to all of you!!!


Camp, Fun, Staff, Uncategorized

Fabulous Fiesta Camp is Almost Here

August 2, 2017

In less than 5 days more than 75 participants and volunteers will gather for ASB’s 12th annual camp. Fabulous Fiesta is the 2017 theme with each of the four Mexican “City groups” preparing to “celebrate change”. From games to an amazing array of Mexican food, to songs and Zumba to crafts and more – it is sure to be another camp to remember.  Camp Little Buddies should plan to arrive at 12:00 noon on Monday Aug 7th. Preregistration is required. Questions? Text or call Char at 541 390-3046 for more information!


Fun, Program Lessons, THRIVE!

Food, Glorious Food!

March 6, 2017

What middle schooler doesn’t love to create amazing artwork with food? Our own “Chef Suzanne” (culinary author Suzanne Landry) motivated the girls at Thrive! to eat from all of the colors of the rainbow.

Look at these beautiful faces showing off their colorful and nutritious platter of fruits and veggies!

Program Lessons

Winter STEM Activities for ASB Groups

March 6, 2017

It seemed like we would never get off and running this year but yes – all ASB groups are going strong now that most of the snow has melted.  The girls have had such a great time exploring positive self-esteem activities including a fun engineering lesson from  Researching, designing and building a simple robotic arm with basic kitchen items was a lot more fun than they thought! 


Snow Still Causing Trouble in Bend – Jan 18 Thrive! Middle School program cancelled AGAIN!

January 10, 2017

As luck would have it – the excess snowfall in early 2017 has made our roads quite challenging to navigate and the roofs of some schools at risk of collapsing.  Due to the continued school closure of Realms and Pilot Butte Middle School this week – the ASB Thrive! Middle School program is cancelled on Wed Jan 18th. These two middle schools that have girls attending the program are still closed and the other schools have a  longer day this Wed.  HOPEFULLY we will see girls enrolled in ALL PROGRAMS next week with the exception of Buckingham Buddies. That program is now scheduled to start on Monday January 30.

At this time we are planning to meet at JUNIPER School this Thurs Jan 19th as normally scheduled.  Girls attending  the ELK MEADOW program on Tuesdays should plan to attend next Tue Jan 24th.

If you have questions – please text or call Char at 541 390-3046. Hope to see you next week!

Donations, Fun, General Info

Merry Christmas from ASB!

December 24, 2016

Fifteen years ago a 16 year old girl joined with a few friends and a mentor to positively impact the lives of more than 750 homeless people in Bend, Oregon.  From this first gathering of supplies and clothing collected to fill new backpacks for needy children and adults evolved a program known as After School Buddies.  Teens found themselves making a difference, working together to serve God by serving others in need of love and support. Now, 15 years later, more than 1000 at-risk girls and mentors have participated in After School Buddies working to fulfill the mission of “loving others as God has loved us”. 
ASB girls experience many of the same trials and tribulations seen in families all across America – divorce and custody battles, unhappy blended families, loss of loved ones, financial distress, mental or physical illness, incarcerated parents – to name just a few.  Girls of all ages are impacted by these challenges – pushing the limits of emotional, physical, spiritual and relational well-being.  The fall-out of abandonment and rejection of young children continues to plague families and communities long after the childhood years are over.

To counteract some of this trauma, ASB participants are offered experiences of joy, encouragement and inspiration by spending time with caring, compassionate teens and adults. Fifteen years of program success have demonstrated the impact and rewards of giving to others while inspiring girls to build self-confidence and improved academic and relational skills.

As a result of serving with ASB, many teens and local college students have made life-changing vocational decisions because of their time spent as Big Buddy mentors. From teachers to counselors, social workers to human resources managers, from committed wives and mothers to nonprofit directors – young women spending time as Big Buddies gain experience, knowledge and insight that positively impacts their future.

2016 was a banner year for ASB.  Why?

  • The “Free to Be Me” themed programs empowered 100+ girls and women to find their God-given passions, gifts and talents, dream big dreams, try new challenges and experience new joys while celebrating their individuality.
  • We welcomed 9 new adult volunteers to our team of mentors with more to come in 2017.
  • The 2016 Summer Leadership program involved 85 participants attending the outstanding Olympic-themed 11th annual ASB August camp. (Go for the Gold!)
  • The fall 2016 (and soon to be 2017) programs focused on the theme “Embrace Education” – encouraging girls of all ages to educate themselves about each other and strive to attack the negative impacts of bullying and personal prejudices. Also – integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning theories will be a fun addition in 2017.
  • ASB became a part of the Better Together collaboration of agencies serving Central Oregon youth working to increase the number of children completing their high school graduation requirements.
  • A total of 35 OSU Cascades University students have served as mentors since the initiation of our partnership with the university in 2012, 20 of them in 2016. What a huge blessing they have been!

As we wrap up our programs of 2016, it is important to look back and note the many people, companies and agencies who have blessed After School Buddies this past year.

  • First – we recognize the many adult leaders of our both school year and summer camp programs who give of themselves freely each week and/or all summer long. ASB is blessed by their commitment, wisdom and passion that makes a significant difference in the lives of all of our girls.
  • We celebrate the gift of friendship and support from the counselors, faculty, staff, transportation and nutrition services departments of the Bend Lapine School District, Central Oregon Community College and Oregon State University – Cascades Campus. These wonderful entities provide us with mentors, elementary and middle school students, transportation, after school suppers, classroom space and much more.
  • We are again grateful for the gift of space for the Thrive! ASB Middle School program that is offered at no charge by the Christian Life Center.
  • We celebrate the new relationships with local therapeutic transition schools including New Leaf Academy and Cascade Crest Transitions for providing wonderful teen and young adult mentors.
  • We are grateful for the husbands, significant others and families who support our volunteer efforts and put up with our many hours of service to others.
  • We deeply appreciate the many businesses, foundations and individuals who have given us financial gifts and/or gifts in kind that allow us to continue to honor the God-inspired passion to serve and love others.
  • We particularly thank the generous donors who have supported our special “Big Dream” outdoor pavilion project – the construction of a large, outdoor pavilion that will provide shelter not only for the summer leadership camp but also for outdoors activities for all programs throughout the year.
    • As an update, since March 2016 we have raised $11,000 of the $20,000 needed to complete the structure. Anonymous donors have already honored a match of the first $5000 raised (included in the $11,000) and have promised another $5000 of matching funds if we can raise an additional $5000 to meet our goal.

(Note If you are looking for a way to bless your community and support the participants of ASB, please consider donating to the “Big Dream” and help us raise the additional $5000 needed to complete the project. Our goal is to have the pavilion built in time for the 2017 camp kick off in June.)

In closing, like most nonprofit agencies, we depend on gifts from private donors to keep programs running.  Although we have been blessed by the generosity of many, we still need to seek funding to continue the work we do that is offered free to all participants.

If providing support for After School Buddies’ ongoing programs is a priority for you, please know that

  • as little as $50 will pay for a girl to attend the free school year program;
  • an additional $50 will help pay for her to attend the annual summer camp.

Donations may be made by check or by using this web site link for credit card processing.. (Donate)

Regardless of your decision, we ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers – asking God to provide us not only with the finances we need but also the volunteers required to staff the programs and the young girls who would best be served by these amazing women.

Thank you ever so much for being a part of the ASB story. May the coming year bring you even more personal satisfaction and joy than you could have dreamed!  With heartfelt appreciation for your part in “my story”,

Charlene Schulz
Executive Director

Buckingham Buddies, Donations, General Info, Opportunities

Giving Tuesday – Help Us Help Them!

November 29, 2016

As you prepare to celebrate the holidays – please remember After School Buddies when it comes time to share your gifts. Help us help young girls and teens survive and thrive the tumultuous years of adolescence.

Each dollar you donate will allow our programs to serve these special girls and teach them to serve others as well.

To learn more – look for the Donate Now page on this website. IMG_4747